Fully automated haematology 5 part cell counter, which reports upto 20 different parameters with a single blood sample. The machine has a high throughput of upto 60 samples every hour and is very accurate.

This automated, random access analyzer is directly imported from Japan. This machine is used for processing all hormones like thyroid, FSH, LH, Prolactin, Beta HCG as well as cancer markers like CEA, AFP and PSA.

This machine is an fully automated, walk away, random access biochemistry analyzer. Used for all biochemical samples, tests such as Sugar, lipid, renal function tests as well as liver function tests. Having a capability of processing more than 150 samples every hour, features like onboard laundry, onboard cooling for reagents and double probe system to avoid contamination ewnsure accurate results everytime.

This sturdy urine analyzer from Siemens ensures standardization and reliability as compared to manual urine analysis.

This electrolyte analyzer from USA gives accurate measurements of Sodium, Potassium and Chloride.

This sturdy and accurate machine for electrophoresis is useful in screening for thalassemia, sickle cell anemias as well as cancers like multiple myeloma.

This unique instrument helps identify 80 different allergens in 1 drop of blood. Localized and adapted to Indian conditions, this machine is very useful to identify specific allergens.

This elisa reader is useful in measurement of various nutritional deficiencies as well as infectious diseases like hepatitis, dengue etc.

Automated microbiology systems ensures faster turnaround time for cultures, more accurate identification of pathogenic organisms and testing for antibiotic sensitivities in line with international guidelines.